About SoS PresentersChantel and I have been married for almost 19 years. We have 3 boys, well actually they're young men now. We met each other at Rhema South Family Church and had a" lukewarm" relationship most of our married years. Our marriage almost came to a disastrous end a few years ago. If it were not for the intervention and saving grace of Our Lord, I can't imagine where we would be right now. All we can say is thank God He pulled us out of the miry clay. A year ago God made it clear to us that His purpose for us as individuals and as a couple is to minister to married couples and to help couples like ourselves discover His way, and His plan for married life, which is far more blissful, delightful and rewarding than what we ever imagined. After years of preparation our formal ministry got underway. We have been blessed to witness the changes God has brought about in couples lives and marriages, and we are certain there will be many more. Chantel and I are not the teachers in this program, we are the presenters - God through His Hoy Spirit is the Councillor the Teacher the Comforter the Healer the Restorer. We are instruments in His hands. Although our primary goal is to provide help for couples who live in the disappointment and pain of unhappy and struggling marriages, we also aim to help successful marriages undertake that essential periodical "service" that ensures continued bliss. The weekend program provides a safe setting, where couples are encouraged to discover the bliss that God intended for their marriage. The disappointment, despair and hurting in strained marriages cannot be healed in one weekend, restoration takes time. However, the weekends sessions provide a clear direction - as couples discover and identify: the importance of a solid foundation in the Word the state of their Spiritual relationship, as individuals and as a couple, the state of their relationship with each other, their children, family and friends, the factors that are causing disruption and damage to their marriage, the importance of daily confession, appreciation and prayer for each other and the delights of Gods gift of sexual intimacy and marital pleasures. Today's high rate of divorce suggests that many couple have not built their house on a solid foundation. Song of Songs MEP is a program that is dedicated to providing the necessary support to help save and enhance marriages. Why do we do this? Because our marriage nearly died! By the grace of God we were taken out of the deep dark pit and we now know by experience that investing in ones marriage is the most rewarding thing you will ever do for your selves and your family!
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